A study of the Environmental Analysis of the Championship and Professional Sport in the Iranian Armed Forces

Document Type : Research Paper



Nowadays, sporting events and activities has received a lot of attention in all sectors of Iranian armed forces due to the significance of sporting activities on enhancing the both physical and mental preparedness. Moreover, the significance of the enhancement of military preparedness was among the main reason for developing sporting activities as well as providing physical education in Iranian armed forces. As an analytical–descriptive study, this study was an attempt to investigate the environmental analysis of professional sport in the Iranian armed forces through utilizing SWOT analysis. This study was also conducted through running SWOT analysis for analyzing the internal and external environmental factors of sporting activities in Iranian armed forces. This study was also conducted through engaging the sample population of 171 active managers, coaches and the athletes affiliated to the Iranian armed forces. In terms of data collection procedures, the required data was collected through library study and also researcher- made questionnaire.  The reliability of the questionnaire was estimated using Cronbach Alpha method releasing 90% through SPSS analysis and its content validity was confirmed by the experts. To analyze the data, descriptive statistics including Kolmogorov-Smirnov test and Friedman test were also run in this study. The findings revealed that the situation of championship sport of Iranian armed forces are achieving the stability level in terms of conservative strategy and the situation of professional sport of Iranian armed forces is also taking steps toward development in terms of offensive strategies. Additionally, some crucial factors were orderly prioritized in this study including main strength, weaknesses of professional sports, opportunities provided by this sport and also the threats made against championship and professional sport. Finally, in a bid to develop championship and professional sport of Iranian armed forces, some practical suggestions were made according to the research findings


فهرست منابع

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